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Sec. Deles on turn over of draft BBL to Congress

Breaking News • 18:22 PM Wed Sep 10, 2014
OPAPP Sec. Teresita Deles

Today, we reach a turning point in our national quest for peace in Mindanao. His Excellency President Benigno S. Aquino III has submitted to the leadership of the House of Representatives and the Philippine Senate a document embodying the administration’s proposal on the provisions of the draft Bangsamoro Basic Law. This draft embodies the substance and spirit of the Comprehensive Agreement on the Bangsamoro that was signed by the government and MILF negotiating panels last March 27 in Malacañang Palace. Once enacted into law, the consent of the people in the proposed Bangsamoro core territory will have to be obtained through a plebiscite to be held next year. For the areas that vote yes, they will be governed by a Bangsamoro Transition Authority (BTA), which will be created by the law with members to be appointed by the President. In 2016, simultaneous with the national and local elections, the first Bangsamoro elections will be held that will install the first set of officials of the Bangsamoro. This political roadmap is firmly on track, and we hold our congressional leaders to their promise to prioritize the passage of the Bangsamoro Basic Law. We are grateful beyond words for the patience, fortitude, and resilience shown by the government and MILF peace panels, as well as the Bangsamoro Transition Commission, in the pursuit of peace, guided solely by the best intentions not only for the Bangsamoro people, but also for the entire country. We expect and look forward to a vigorous public debate arising from a thorough and sober review of every provision contained in this draft document, once filed in the Senate and House of Representatives. For now, let us welcome the dawning of a new era that has taken us more than 17 years to bring to our people’s doorsteps. Every word, line, and provision shall be subjected to the sunshine of democratic debate, where all voices will be heard, with our Constitution as the guiding light. This is the farthest distance we have reached in our peace journey with the MILF, and the most significant political step we have taken in our political roadmap for the Bangsamoro. To our esteemed partners in the peace process, now is not the time to rest or be complacent. Now is the time to be heard, and to listen to the views of others, as we set aside our differences to unite behind the cause of peace. Today, our generation holds the key that would unlock the unlimited potentials of a peaceful Mindanao, of more developed Bangsamoro communities, and a more cohesive, prosperous, and united Philippines. Let us pass a Bangsamoro Basic Law that would make past and future generations proud.

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