Wednesday Jun, 26 2024 01:33:13 PM

Let your mercy come to me, O Lord

 • 13:45 PM Tue Oct 11, 2016

Reading 1 and// GAL 5and1-6 Brothers and sistersandFor freedom Christ set us freeso stand firm and do not submit again to the yoke of slavery.It is I, Paul, who am telling youthat if you have yourselves circumcised,Christ will be of no benefit to you.Once again I declare to every man who has himself circumcisedthat he is bound to observe the entire law.You are separated from Christ,you who are trying to be justified by lawyou have fallen from grace.For through the Spirit, by faith, we await the hope of righteousness.For in Christ Jesus,neither circumcision nor uncircumcision counts for anything,but only faith working through love. Responsorial Psalm and// PS 119:41, 43, 44, 45, 47, 48 R. (41a)Let your mercy come to me, O Lord.Let your mercy come to me, O LORD,your salvation according to your promise.R.Let your mercy come to me, O Lord.Take not the word of truth from my mouth,for in your ordinances is my hope.R.Let your mercy come to me, O Lord.And I will keep your law continually,forever and ever.R.Let your mercy come to me, O Lord.And I will walk at liberty,because I seek your precepts.R.Let your mercy come to me, O Lord.And I will delight in your commands,which I love.R.Let your mercy come to me, O Lord.And I will lift up my hands to your commandsand meditate on your statutes.R.Let your mercy come to me, O Lord. Alleluia and// HEB 4:12 R.Alleluia, alleluia.The word of God is living and effective,able to discern reflections and thoughts of the heart.R.Alleluia, alleluia. Gospel and// LK 11:37-41 After Jesus had spoken,a Pharisee invited him to dine at his home.He entered and reclined at table to eat.The Pharisee was amazed to seethat he did not observe the prescribed washing before the meal.The Lord said to him, Oh you Pharisees!Although you cleanse the outside of the cup and the dish,inside you are filled with plunder and evil.You fools!Did not the maker of the outside also make the inside?But as to what is within, give alms,and behold, everything will be clean for you.”

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